
Privacy Policy

Status: Home Privacy Policy

To review our HMIS Personal Protected Information policy, click here.

Status: Home owns and operates this website. We are providing a privacy policy statement because we understand that visitors to our site may be concerned about how we treat any information they provide to us. Status: Home may change or update this policy from time to time.

Status: Home will not share or sell your information to third parties. Status: Home does not collect personally identifiable information about individual users, except when such individuals knowingly provide information on a voluntary basis. For example, personally identifiable information may be collected in order to facilitate volunteering or making a financial donation. This information is used solely for internal purposes by Status: Home or other entities who are involved in the operation of this site.

On the Status: Home website, some forms require users to voluntarily give us contact information (like names and email addresses), financial information (like account or credit card numbers), and demographic information (like street addresses, zip code or age). We use this information to send the user information about Status: Home or to contact the user when necessary or requested. Information that is collected is used solely for the purposes indicated on the form where the information is submitted.

Status: Home will perform statistical analyses of aggregate, non-personally-identifying, user behavior and characteristics in order to measure interest in and use of various areas on our website. In addition to information provided by our visitors, we use the normal Internet tracking tools associated with standard Internet protocols and web-based systems. This system information is typically stored in log files and the information is used for aggregate reporting. Aggregate reporting includes: total number of visitors, most visited sections, peak traffic times, etc. Log files are simply transaction records web servers maintain. Those logs are used for recording information, such as service provider IP addresses, browser versions, referring Web sites, search terms used, average number of pages requested, average duration of visit, and total visitor traffic.

We use aggregate information gathered from your visit to better design our website. This information supplies us with a broad picture of how people use our website in order to help the management of our systems and to better serve our audience.

This website contains hyperlinks to other sites. Status: Home is not responsible for the privacy practices, or the content, of such other sites. This statement and the policies outlined herein are not intended to and do not create any contractual or other legal rights in or on behalf of any party.

For secure on-line donations, Status: Home uses Paypal. To view the PayPal privacy policy, click here. For information on security at Paypal, click here.

For further information,

Your Generosity is Deeply Appreciated

Status: Home (formerly Jerusalem House) is a 501(c)(3) charity registered in the state of Georgia.

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© 2024 Status: Home — Made by: Emery